Sunday 5 July 2009

French auto entrepreneur application form

There is an English translation by Alison Morton which is extremely helpful, describing how to apply for the auto entrepreneur micro person, or micro enterprise scheme. As I found filling in the (very easy) form - very difficult, here are a few notes, incase anyone else has the same trouble.
First of all - 'Adhérez au régime' click on this - to join the scheme
Then which category to select ? Commerciales , Artisanales, ou Libérales ? This is roughly; business; trade or profession. I got confused until I opened up the French original version of the autoentrepreneur on . To do this, look under Documents Utils in the top menu for the Guide to l'auto entrepreneur. Opening this, I looked at the list of professions in the Appendix: I noticed there are far more listed here than in the English translation - thankfully the one I needed was there.
So I then used the French and English guides together to translate the terms on the application form.
I decided to select for 'micro social simplifié' the 'mensuel' or pay monthly option.
Then under the 'Tax Options' or 'Options Fiscal', you can opt to sign up for the 'pay as you go' option by clicking yes on 'versement libératoire de l'impôt sur le revenu ' .
Finally when I had uploaded my scanned passport picture (which must be a .jpeg or .pdf file) and clicked on the Teledeclarer button, there was no confirmation that it had gone. The following morning, I received an email saying I needed to post the form. I went back to the page and managed on second attempt to log back in, whereupon this time, the Teledeclarer button worked and it said that I am 'enregistree' which sounds like good news.

1 comment:

  1. Super duper thanks for the tip! I have trouble filling out those sections...til reading this.
